In just ten days, a whopping 717 crores! Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Animal‘ achieved this earning worldwide at the box office, and it’s not all just a walk in the park. The acclaim this film has received might surpass its earnings, and the credit goes to the mischief-minded genius Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Why mischievous? Because purity, when it comes to animals, results in a resounding ‘Oh!’ Haven’t you liked Kabir Singh? Hold on, let me show you what his mindset was like.
Is it ethical too? Well, as we discuss ethics, the film’s producers are eagerly waiting to enter the 1000 crore club, already working on the sequel to ‘Animal Park,’ which apparently will be even more dangerous. Of course, why not? When you can achieve such a level of intensity once, why not think about subtlety?
When it comes to packaging a film, Sandeep Reddy Vanga is the master, and ‘Animal’s blockbuster box office is proof of that. This all started with a line spoken during an interview with Kabir Singh’s Anupama Chopra, where he expressed hope that his next film would generate less criticism.
This emotional center reaches the deepest depths through which the birth of the animal took place. Sandeep’s revenge, the anger of showing some people, who, by calling Kabir Singh a ‘violent film,’ were surprised, resulted in a film that is a collection of moments designed to deliberately trigger them.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga, with ‘Animal,’ has used a formula that others can adopt: “Create a film for a large audience with shock quality so high that it raises numerous questions and sparks debates, and then one should have faith in it.” The fear of missing out (FOMO) among people. Thanks for injecting curiosity into the story with the shocking values you inserted in the script, which doesn’t support the narrative in any way when you already have a billion-dollar creature in your zoo.
From lines describing animals during Kabir Singh to obtaining an adult certificate and focusing on ‘violence,’ every motion poster, every promotional asset, from its release almost three years ago, only showcases Sandeep Reddy’s passion. Vanga has elevated the shock value to a level where everyone would want to know what the film is really about.
As Ranbir Kapoor’s Ranvijay asks his father to imagine real-life scenarios in the film, let’s do a similar exercise: imagine you’re freely roaming on the street, and a bike collides forcefully with a car, causing severe damage to the car. A verbal and physical fight ensues between the car owner and the bike owner. Would you not want to stop and see what’s happening? Just be true to yourself and answer. Those who said yes will find ‘Animal’ intriguing to watch in theatres, and those who didn’t will have no problem skipping it. Without any survey, we all know that the number of those saying yes will be significantly higher than that of those saying no, and that’s why Animal is doing its business.
This is why Salman Khan’s Big Boss continues to receive fantastic TRP ratings even in its seventeenth year, and this is why Animal Park, whenever it releases, will do business as fantastically as an animal. The fantastic package made by Sandeep Reddy Vanga cannot be denied, featuring a background score by Harshavardhan Rameshwar and the grandest acting by Ranbir Kapoor, but we shouldn’t overlook the horrific second half, the sarcastic dialogue, which is not supported by any strong endorsement. The story. All this has undoubtedly hurt the sentiments of some ardent Arjun Reddy and Kabir Singh fans who support flawed characters. They came for an entertaining storyline and a deep emotional connection, only this time, just for toxicity, because why not?